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Holman 15mm x 1m PVC Pressure Pipe Class 18

5 (6)

I/N: 4750046

5 (6)

I/N: 4750046

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  • Suitable for a wide range of watering applications
  • Watermark certified
  • Our products meets the Australian Standards AS/NZS 1477
Holmans PVC Pressure pipes are suitable for a range of watering applications, including water supply, recycled water, irrigation, pressure sewerage and industrial applications.








15mm 1000mm 1000mm


22mm 22mm 1000mm


Easy To Carry

Total Weight 0.500kg


Model Name
PVC Pressure 15mm x 1m Class 18
Model Number
ABS Plastic
Minimum working temperature (c)
Actual outside diameter (mm)
Wrapped (Yes/No)
Recommended function
Transferring All Types of Water
Pipe or Fitting Product Type
Maximum working pressure (kpa)
Maximum working temperature (c)
Coiled (Yes/No)
Item Package Type
Actual inside diameter (mm)
Pipe & Tubing Product Type


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