Mill Finish - Heat Treatable AMS QQ-A-250/11, ASTM B209 and AMS 4027

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Narrow Results:

Select for Quote Decimal Thickness Inches Width in Inches Approx. Wt. per Sq. Ft. in Lbs.
.020 36 .249
.025 36 .356
.025 48 .356
.032 36 .456
.032 48 .456
.040 36 .570
.040 48 .570
.040 60 .570
.050 36 .713
.050 48 .713
.050 60 .713
.063 36 .898
.063 48 .898
.063 60 .898
.080 36 1.141
.080 48 1.141
.080 60 1.141
.090 36 1.283
.090 48 1.283
.090 60 1.283
.100 36 1.426
.100 48 1.426
.100 60 1.426
.100 72 1.426
.125 36 1.782
.125 48 1.782
.125 60 1.782
.125 72 1.782
.160 60 2.280
.190 36 2.713
.190 48 2.709
.190 60 2.709
.190 72 2.709
.249 48 3.554
.249 60 3.554
.249 72 3.554

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